Kintsugi is an ancient Japanese technique for repairing cracks and chips in pottery with lacquer and decorating with gold or silver.
This kit from URUJYU is made with natural traditional ingredients such as tokusa plant which has been used since ancient times to polish thanks to its rough surface, lacquer extracted from lacquer trees, pure gold and silver, safe for the human body.
This Kintsugi Kit was born thanks to the interaction with our students of the Kintsugi class that I have been teaching for more than ten years. It contains easy-to-use quantities of materials and tools to be used at home with a text and video ( on Youtube).
Using only Ki-urushi lacquer, the most natural type of lacquer, made of lacquer sap from which we removed impurities. To repair broken pottery, we mix earth with lacquer to fill a crack, then put some flour and sawdust in order to refill said broken part. The ivory-colored lacquer freshly taken from lacquer trees changes to a transparent candy-color in the air. It turns red when naturel pigment such as Bengara is added. Make your own color from natural lacquer.
Like when we sew a button that has fallen off with a needle and thread, the Kintsugi allows us to mend our precious porcelain items when they are broken. We hope that this lifestyle becomes usual. We made this kit keeping this in mind.
Basic lacquer, Makie powder (gold and silver keshi-fun), Tonoko (clay powder), Bengara (red pigment), Sawdust, Flour
Spatula, Paint brush, Sprinkle brush, Glass plate, Bottle for oil, Sand paper (#400#800#1500), Tokusa Plant, Silk cotton, Pipette, Masking tape, Measuring spoon, Toothpicks and Gloves